• Bernese Mountain Dog

    Happy Sunday!!

    Happy Sunday from Sandpoint Idaho, who found it’s WIND!! And it’s a COLD wind!! Holy Guacamole Batman, I am NOT ready! I want more summer! Or a hot fall. I am however headed down the road to today to pick up Bernie!! I a so excited. Watch for us on Instagram later today. Soooooooo excited. Our house gets sooooo quiet; too quiet. Not any more!! Have a excellent Sunday my little Peanuts!!!! Such pretty colors!! I am enjoying my first Fall in 40+ years. While your here have you entered my $50 Your Way Giveaway? It happens every month! Check the side bar.

  • Mom and son

    Let’s Help Mitch!!

    Dear Peanuts and especially the New York Lottery Winner! Ya never know……. maybe the winners are big fans of Peanut Butter and Whine. RIGHT?!?! It could happen!! In fact I am really hoping that my little Peanut tribe will forward this post to as many people as possible. Keep reading and you’ll find out why we should Help Mitch. I want to introduce my little sister Lea. I actually want to gush about my sister. She raised her 3 kids and then in 2009 inherited 2 bonus children. As a single PARENT to boot!!! Let me tell you, this is one strong woman!! This is one GOOD person. My sister…

  • Woman working on a laptop

    How to Make Your Home Business Run Smoother

    When you run a home business, chances are that you find that there are simply not enough hours in each day. You will need to take care of customers, orders, delivery, content creation, online marketing, your accounts, and much more. There will be a point in your business when you will either need help and outsource some of the processes, or out some productivity tools in good use. Below you will find a few tips on how to make your home business run smoother and reclaim your time and work-life balance.   Measure Your Productivity The first thing you will have to do is find out how you can get…