• gutters

    Important Gutter Maintenance Tips You Need To Follow

    If you want to keep your home in good condition, it’s important to consider the danger posed by different weather conditions. The weather can affect your home in a lot of different ways and if you want to avoid any serious maintenance issues, it’s vital that you take steps to protect from the wind, rain, and even the sun.  Maintaining your gutters is one of the most important home maintenance jobs because they drain water away from the home. If the gutters are not doing their job correctly, water will pool up around the roof and eventually start to seep into the walls. This can cause serious damp problems throughout…

  • above ground pool

    White Pool Decks Are in Style Right Now

    They say concrete is great, but it looks even better when painted. Colored concrete remains a popular option for enhancing the outside space, and it’s all for a good reason. For driveway installation, patios, and pool decks, colored concrete gives a customizable surface that will improve the property value a great deal.  The pool builder in Minnesota has some beautiful ideas.  For modern concrete pool deck designs, the durability of concrete is unmatched, but they are even more gorgeous when decorated. This guide covers what you might have wanted to know about the colored concrete pool decks and why the white-colored variants are fast becoming everybody’s choice. Are they worth…

  • PBnWhine logo

    Once Upon A Time…….. in Peanut Butter and Whine Land……

    When I tell people that I have a blog, the first thing that people ask is why.. the answer is ‘ummmm I dunno’ the second question they ask is how did you get started? So, y’all gather around ‘n I’m gonna tell ya all about the beginning of Peanut Butter and Whine. 10 years ago Channel 10 in San Diego had a commercial asking for people to apply for the Channel 10 Weight Loss Challenge. I filled out the application, I wrote my story why they should pick me and BAMB I was one of 5 contestants. Our first meeting we were taught how to blog. I had never heard…