• Seo Social media

    Which Social Media Platforms Should Your Business Be On?

    It’s now undeniable that social media is one of the best ways to reach a wide range of audiences without having to invest too much at once. However, aside from boosting your social media performance, you want to make sure that you’re active on the right platforms. Here are some of the biggest and best platforms available and tips about who they’re best suited to. Twitter With one of the largest userbases in any online platform available, Twitter is a social media platform that just about every business should at least have a cursory presence on. It’s very easy to engage with followers thanks to the digestibility of the character-limited…

  • Best Wines Wine Regions You Need To Visit in the US This Summer

    The Best Wines of 2020

    There are many occasions to enjoy a nice glass of wine, and spring and summer are two of these reasons. This means that there is a world of the best wines to choose from! You can build your wine collection with wines from some of the best wine regions from around the world. Each region brings something unique to its wines. This could mean flavors, taste, or smell. If you are having a glass of wine with a meal, make sure you do your research so that it is the perfect complement for your meal. Your starting point can be any of these following wines.  Le Dix de Los Vascos…

  • MaskMarket

    Check it OUT!! #MaskMarket GIVEAWAY!! #facemaskselfie

    Aren’t we living in the weirdest of times? I read today that some governors want to extend the covid quarantine for 18 months?!? EIGHTEEN MONTHS!? Are you kidding me?! Quarantined and bored out OF MY MIND (sorry, did I type that too loud?) When you do leave the house don’t you feel like your sneaking out the bedroom window like a defiant teenager? (Or is that just me again?) When you are out for that grocery run you’re decked out like a famous movie star totally incognito! Big sunglasses, gloves and a mask. For all we know we are shopping next to Gerard Butler, The Rock or maybe Goldie Hawn!?…