$50 YOUR Way Giveaway December 2023
November just FLEW by! Or was it just me? I was so busy in November. GESH! I have a couple of posts coming up in the next few days that will explain JUST how busy! I’m a tired girl. Nothing real in the way of news from The Mountain. We had one day of snow that melted the very next day. We’ve been lucky. I have a feeling Mother Nature is saving up all her energy for a snow-mageddon. We are stocked up with food and plenty of wood, the propane tank is full. The Bull (Good ole John Deere) is ready and roaring to go. We are as ready…
$50 YOUR Way Monthly Giveaway! November 2023
Hello, little Peanuts. November is here. We are 62 days away from 2024?!?! WHAT!??! Yup, I’m full of great news today. Christmas is only 55 days away! Today we put the snow tires on my little orange Subaru. You can blame me if it snows tonight. I made a quick trip to California in October to watch my Granddaughter Alice perform Ursula in The Little Mermaid. Since I still can’t believe the set of pipes on this kid, I’m sharing the video again. She’s ONLY 12!! Wasn’t it just yesterday I was teaching her to read Pajama Time?? One more set of pictures. I finally went and retrieved the SDCard…
$50 Your Way Giveaway October 2023!!
Hello, Little Peanuts!! Happy October!! I am ONLY excited about October because of Halloween. I am NOT ready for snow. I was barely ready for the cold October wind and rain that North Idaho has gotten for the last few days. It’s cold enough to start our very first fire in the new wood-burning stove. Seriously, WHO builds a house on top of a mountain IN IDAHO (almost to the Canadian border) and doesn’t put in a fireplace or a wood-burning stove?!?! We finally rectified that over the summer. This stove is AMAZING!! THEN!! Because y’all know me and my twisted sense of humor I bought the set of SKULLS!!!…
$50 Your Way Giveaway September 2023!
First and foremost, HOW IS IT SEPTEMBER already!?!?! MAN, this year is flying by!! Did you know it’s only 116 days away from Christmas?? I know, that was mean. Would it make you feel better to know that it’s only 61 days till Halloween!?? NOW I KNOW that means that I can start decorating today. For those of you that are new here. The first of the month, (every. single. month) I post my $50 Your Way Giveaway. I usually update what has been happening up on the mountain (in beautiful Sandpoint Idaho). Some months I have more news than others. August went really fast. Between all the doctor appointments…
$50 Your Way August 2023 GIVEAWAY!!
Hello, Little Peanuts! I hope you had a most excellent July. I had the best July. An amazing family reunion for The Husbands 70th birthday. Look at this post if you would like to see the pictures and the full rundown of the week-long festivities. It was AN AMAZING vacation!! I miss them all so much! After the kids all left, Amazon had their Prime Days. Hummmm I may have (I SO did!) drowned my sorrows in ‘add to cart’ therapy. Oh MYGOOOOOOSH! All those $3.99, $8.99, and $56.99 added up to Wooooooo-Uh-Oh. So, I am going to TRY…. (Ohhhh if you could only hear the laugh track in my head!)…
$50 Your Way Giveaway July 2023
Happy July $50 Your Way Giveaway. My monthly updates are really cool actually. Our Stiltz Elevator is in and very, VERY helpful on laundry day and moving furniture! Yes! It is large enough for furniture or two people. Even our fur-baby BEAR would rather ride the elevator than walk up all these stairs. Yes, the real reason is that The Husband (he has MS) has great difficulty walking up the stairs. (You remember the stairs that are different sizes on all floors. GESH!!) Then we FINALLY (been on the list of must haves for 7 years) so we finally ordered our wood-burning stove. Okay, seriously WHO builds a house on…
$50 Your Way Giveaway! June 2023
Hello Little Peanuts! It’s so great to see you again!! May’s Update May went by super quick, after the fire and all. The highlight being North Pacific Land Management has returned!! The masticator has been running like crazy! The mulcher is cleaning up the debris. Our little mountain top is looking really nice. Okay, so I wrote that the week of Memorial Day and they haven’t been back. Hummmmm should I be worried?!?! I am. VERY much so. Today, June 1st, the Stiltz elevator is going in. Talk about major upheaval in the craft room. But, as The Husband’s MS progresses an elevator is necessary. Trouble is I designed my…
$50 Your Way Giveaway! May 2023
Hello, Little Peanuts! I can say that up here in Idaho it’s FINALLY Spring. GESH! Winter was rough this year. I felt like I was going a little bit stir-crazy here at the end. The Husband is seriously LUCKY that he survived. Towards the end here I started to feel a little bit…………………. The Husband is safe now because I can open the doors, I can open the windows. I can work in the yard. Ahhhhhhhhh SPRING!! If you follow me on Instagram you know that I spread 80 (yes, EIGHTY) bags of mulch in the front of the house. HOLY MOLY People…… my body is 100000% saying YOU ARE…