• Vintage clothing

    Improving Yourself by Starting With Small Lifestyle Changes

    Everyone is a work in progress, so becoming the best version of yourself will take time. However, if you continually lock your eyes on your goal and move towards enhancing yourself, there’s no challenge hard enough to conquer. The first steps to improving yourself to be your best self includes seeing your flaws and acknowledging bad habits. These practices may be so ingrained in your lifestyle that it’s going to be difficult to leave them behind, but it’s possible when you have the will to make yourself better. Considering that change is a process, you don’t have to do anything grand or expensive to change yourself overnight. You can start…

  • Healthy logo

    Four Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle

    Health is the “taken-for-granted” blessing of life. People nowadays are so busy making their careers that they pay no attention to a healthy lifestyle. The fact should not be denied that without good health, life becomes meaningless. All your fortunes and struggles will go in vain if you don’t pay enough attention to your health. For instance, go and pay a visit to a hospital, and you’ll come across many patients who own valuable assets, but everything is useless to them because they have the worst health conditions.  It’s better to work towards a healthy lifestyle before it’s too late. People are often seen skipping on meals, smoking, consuming carbonated…

  • Naked Shake

    Get Naked! As in #nakednutrition

    Covid knocked most of us off our stride. (How long can I blame every thing bad that has happened to me on Covid? Another year easy, right??!!) Covid knocked me sideways. Before I was locked up sorry I mean locked down, I was on a roll with the whole get fit and lose weight thing. I was down 50 pounds! Fifty POUNDS. I worked so hard! I am now down 10. (To me that sounds better than I’ve gained back 40 pounds) So, here we go again. This time with the help of Naked Nutrition. Truthfully, the first reason I wanted to test this protein drink had nothing to do…