• Eye doctor

    Factors to Consider When Choosing an Eye Doctor

    When choosing an eye doctor, looking for various factors is essential. For example, the location of the practice may be a big factor for people with children or who are concerned about having to take time off from work or school to make appointments. A good way to find a qualified eye doctor is to ask for referrals from family and friends. Then, research their credentials and experience. Experience It’s important to find an eye doctor with whom you feel comfortable. After all, you’ll trust them with your eyes and often see them. You’ll want to ensure they treat you with care and compassion and listen to your questions and…

  • Snoring wife

    Solutions for a Silent Night: 5 Effective Snoring Remedies

    You need snoring remedies when snoring disrupts not only the snorer’s own rest but also the sleep of anyone within earshot. The noisy and abrasive sounds make it difficult to achieve sound slumber. Fortunately, there are solutions that can help reduce or even eliminate snoring altogether. By identifying the root cause and trying tailored remedies, snorers can regain peaceful and quiet sleep. 1. Experiment with Ideal Sleep Positions Sometimes simple adjustments in sleep position can help stop noisy snoring. The effects of gravity on throat tissue can lead to airway obstruction. For example, sleeping on the back allows the tongue to fall backward into the airway, narrowing breathing passages. The…

  • Snow

    Winter Preparedness Mountain Style

    Winter Preparedness, after the craft room clean-up that I posted about yesterday. I thought for sure that I would immediately be creating masterpieces right and left. I was WRONG!!! The Husband had other plans for me. Plans I did not particularly LIKE! But, since I do like to be warm in the winter I had to help. Sooooooooooo, pouting, chopping, and stacking wood took up the rest of last week. OUCH! Now not just my back hurts, my shoulders and MY HEAD hurts too! THANKFULLY, my feet don’t hurt.  Walking on uneven ground back and forth with arms full of wood to different piles, I’m just glad I have plenty…