Happy Birthday!!
I have officially blogged every SINGLE day! For one full year!! Yea ME!! HA!! I told ya I had a lot to say…… wait…. I mean I can talk A LOT …. sometimes about nothing at all! Now… who was in charge of bringing me cake? Balloons? Flowers? COME ON!!!!!! a cupcake? Fine. Never mind… I will be back tomorrow. BUT NEXT YEAR! I want cake, flowers and JEWELRY!!
Did you know???
Did you know that extract of Vanilla has alcohol in it?? I had no idea! I’m 52 years old and I never knew that! I didn’t believe my Mom when she told me so of course into the kitchen I went. Sure ENOUGH! 35% alcohol on the Costco brand! THIRTY FIVE PERCENT!!! That’s insane! I can get drunk on my Vanilla and smell great at the same time! I know… you are gonna go look at your bottle now aren’t you? Ummm hummm thought so. So you do that. I’ll see you tomorrow.
Happy Fourth of July!!
What a great day! First I go SOOOO much done! Up at 7:30 to get the ribs cooking in the crock pot. Cleaned the house like a MAD WOMAN!! (even cleaned the fish tank!!) My house is sooooo clean!! (Well, everywhere except my what shall we call it? Pig Sty, office, craft room, ahhhh heck with it…… pig sty!) Which still looks SO BAD!! (In the daylight I definitely made it worse yesterday). Then a 4th of July BBQ. Food was great. Company (and by company I mean 2 of our 3 kids, Dan and my Mom) this group is funny as EVER. At one point DH looks at our son…
Pack rat?? Nahhhhhhh
I’m embarrassed to say this is my ‘catch all’ room…. it’s a craft room, a sewing room, a closet, an office and well…… a company is coming ‘hide it’ room. This is also the room we are expanding for my Mom’s new room. It has to be empty by August 1st. I truly have no idea where everything will go. It’s almost 11pm and I’m not sure I made it any better. I may very well have made it worse. But I am outta gas for today. Back at it tomorrow! I don’t think this is what I really wanted to do on my 3 day weekend!
Why ya suppose??
Apparently back in FEBRUARY! I text messaged my son Zachary and asked for a piece of charcoal? Sooooooo what do you suppose I wanted that piece of charcoal for? Just one PIECE…. not a bag… not a bucket……….. just one little briquette, one, ONE piece. Any idea’s what I want that for?? Hummm time to search the Internet for uses of charcoal……. pieces.
You’re fired!!
Hummpppffff…… you know you have too much stuff when the general contractor you hire says “They have a tv-show you guys should watch. It’s called Horders” I promptly told him he was fired… he laughed and finished taking measurements. Hummmmm why am I flashing back to Elden of the Murphy Brown show? Wait… what do you mean you don’t remember Murphy Brown? Only one of the funniest series on TV! (Netflix has Season 1 if you are interested)
York Photo
WOOO HOOOO! I was just approved to have a York Photo link on my page. If you click the link on the right about halfway down the page, you can get 40 FREE prints! Yes! Yes!! I know… I’m a giver! I was also approved for Pro Sports Memorabilia and Power Systems (It’s for exercise equipment). I know… my daughter Selena’s says it’s over kill on the ad’s. But, shopping on line you don’t have to waste gas … or get dressed even! There… NOW you can really THANK ME!!