He’s HERE!!!
No post for you today!! My Grandson arrived last night and I’m too excited to write!!! More details to follow!! See ya tomorrow!!
So, how many times do you walk down to the mailbox and back empty handed before you finally admit your house didn’t get any mail?!?! No letters. No bills (Thank you universe!) No junk mail!? Really?!!? How many days does that actually happen?? Never! It’s not a holiday is IT??! Okay I’m going back down to the box … this just can’t be right. Ohhhh hey!! Trips down to the mailbox counts as exercise too!! (It’s REALLY far!! not really but I like to pretend!)
You know this story just makes me shake my head!! ARE YA KIDDIN’ me?!?! People have tooooo much time on their hands!! People should just be SO VERY GLAD that I don’t have snow in my yard!!! New Jersey family decided they’d use all of our recent snow to show off their artistic ability and make a Venus de Milo snowman..woman..person. As anyone with a mild knowledge of art knows, the Venus de Milo is nude (or half-dressed, to be specific). So of course, neighbors complained and now the snowwoman has to wear clothes.
ScKOOL good! Go their!
These are all AWESOME!!! But my favorite is yet to come…….
Need a newspaper fix??
If you can’t go a day without your newspaper fix this site has ’em ALL!! Front page of your newspaper!! You can see the front page of any newspaper! While I browsed the headlines I found that the Wichita Eagle says there were 121,527 parking tickets issued from 2005 & 2009. (I didn’t think there were that many CARS in Kansas!!) My favorite so far though is Fairbanks Alaska’s Daily News Miner “Wolf War” headline. Course Sherry! You should go look at the Kalamazoo Gazette Winter Wonderland story!! Ohhh I do hope that my newest Grandson (arriving any minute) will make the front page!! Okay so now I’m back to…
6 little numbers
Back to back episodes of “The Lottery Changed My Life” on TLC. Oh my gosh!! Just dreaming of what I would do with a huge Lottery win! I would tell my family about the win on a real family vacation. (My choice of course!) A Cruise for the entire family (again my choice! Italy here we come!!) Houses all around so no one would have to stress about rent/house payments ….. bills all paid off….. oh my goodness look at all the money I’ve already spent. This better be a REALLY big WIN!! So be nice to me or no present for YOU!!! Okay so back to my shopping list…
One word….
I stole this one from Facebook. USING ONLY ONE WORD answer each question. Now…. you can learn more about me in just one word. Where is your cell phone? Table Significant other? Yes Your hair? Red Your mother? Cooking Your Father? Buried Your favorite thing? Family Your dream last night? None Your favorite drink? Champagne What room are you in? Livingroon Your hobby? Gambling Your fear? Heights Where do you want to be in 6 years? Alive Where were you last night? School Something that you aren’t? Male Muffins? Banana Wish list item? Cruise Last thing you did? Ate What are you wearing? Jeans TV? On Your pets? Dog Friends?…
I’m bored!
I’m bored……… and did you know that you can search that exact phrase I’m Bored into any search engine and there are thousands of links?!?! Some cracked me UP!! Like this one…… Do not push the red button Some of these made me laugh out loud over and over again! Things to do when your bored. Here are a couple that I may just go do right now……. See what’s in your neighbour’s rubbish/trash (Amusement Potential: 20-30 minutes) You can learn a lot about people by what they throw out. You might uncover some dark secret about them. Plus, they might be throwing out something with value that still works,…