• It’s TUESDAY!!!!!

    I no longer know what day this is!   All day today I was thinking this was Monday?!  How did I lose a full day!?  Did I do anything fun on Monday!?! Ohhhhhh noooooo that’s right I didNOT!!  I had my colonscopy early Monday morning. Whatever drug they gave me to put me out… did just that!  That’s right I’ve been asleep for 2 full days!  To top it off….. Today having the fuzzy head from sleeping 2 days has been weird all the way around.  An old friend I never expected to ever hear from again got in touch with me.  My head is still fuzzy  and I think I need to just go back to bed! Weird weird day!! …

  • Ice

    I’m cheating tonight…. I’m reposting from a blog called DinnersReady. But this is so dang funny I have to share!!!!! So……….. enjoy!! Today as I was cruisin’ around on the internet looking at recipes and fun things to make, I stumbled upon this ‘recipe.’ Made me laugh. You all know that I love a good recipe for the freezer but this one is just so…. so…. so wonderful. Ha ha ha! Ice 2 cups water (or more. or less.) Empty any ice cubes that are left in the trays. Take the trays over to the sink and fill them with cold water. Place the water filled ice trays back in the…

  • Happy Dad’s Day!

    Happy Fathers Day DH! Thank you for being such a great Daddy! I love you. Dan Thank YOU for baby Alice (you proved subtle hinting works!) Ray Thank YOU for Emma and Eli I’m one lucky Nonnie!