• Leaf & Love Lemonade GIVEAWAY!!

    Things I’ve learned about getting photo’s of 3 year old Alice when Frozen is on the TV you WILL NOT GET EYE CONTACT!!! She can NOT hear you. She will not acknowledge you. She is in the FROZEN ZONE!!! Needless to say, she LOVES Frozen and she loves lemonade! So, today was a great day!! Now, NaNa put the camera DOWN!  Leaf & Love Lemonade has everything that I look for in a drink for the tot’s. I DO NOT want a lot of sugar poured into these kids. UNLESS of course it’s 10 minutes before I send them home to their parents. That’s NaNa’s revenge for living with MY…

  • How ya’ doin’?

    Today, I thought I would write a reminder post. Well, not a reminder as much as a public service message. I was raised on a farm in Colorado, people who live in the country will talk to everyone!! Now 34 years later I still start conversations anywhere, with anyone. Really, why not. You NEVER know if this will be your next BBF. (That would be Best Bud Forever).  It could happen! Right? Really, what’s the worst that can happen? Yes, they could run screaming down the hall arms flailing calling you a crazy person OR you could find a new friend. In one week, think about all the different people you come in…

  • Win $100 Amazon GC!!

    Win a $100 Amazon Gift Card!!

    I’m thrilled to join with these amazing bloggers for another Amazon Blast!! GOOD LUCK!!! Makobi Scribe is bringing you this Amazon Pinterest blast where one lucky reader will win a 0 Amazon gift card. The giveaway is open to everyone and provided by Makobi Scribe. Good Luck! If you are a blogger, you can sign up for this blast here. Entry-Form