• Step one…Write it down!

    Kaki and I started the morning with our 45 minute walk. (You’ll be glad to know we didn’t bash husbands for the ENTIRE time we did touch on politics for a few minutes.) Followed by a conference call with Tyler at WellStrong Fitness. Even over the phone Tyler is enthusiastic and energetic about what he does. I have NO DOUBT I will reach my goals! Princess dress here I come! Tyler gave me my first assignment. A 3 day food journal. With times of day and how much I eat. While I do that Tyler is designing a home exercise routine that I can do after work during the week.…

  • yogurt with fruit

    5 Foods That Promote Oral Health!

    Eating healthy seems to be a growing trend these days, and a lot of people are focusing on how food can affect their overall health. However, something you may not know is that these healthy snacks you love can also provide great benefits to your teeth. Your friendly Twin Falls dentists at Summit Dental Care know just what you need to keep your teeth in great shape. Take a look at this list of foods that promote oral health. Cheese To all of you cheese lovers out there, this might be the best news you’ve read all day. Cheese has great health benefits for your teeth. It is a great…

  • Why do Holiday weekends go so fast!?!?!

    Hot day = fruit salad for dinner. Can there be anything better? Watermelon, cherries, apples, peaches, banana and topped with yogurt. YUM!!! I’m keeping up with my water. (added bonus with the water is the exercise I get running back and forth down the hall!!) Tomorrow morning 8am my first conference with Tyler at WellStrong Fitness. I can’t wait to officially get started!!