• Nanny and child

    Benefits of Hiring a Nanny for your Family

    Having a baby is a wonderful experience and creates many opportunities in life. But, there are also a series of challenges and changes that need to be adapted to. One of the key questions all new parents will face is how best to deal with these, who can you lean on for support, and is hiring a nanny a good idea. In fact, if you use reputable nanny services Sydney you’ll find that you get a well-qualified professional who can take care of your child and provide a host of other benefits to your family. Qualified professionals can also be provided through sosgarde.  Security If you have a job that…

  • Cher

    Christmas Idea! CHER!! #scentguru #lovescent #scentbeauty

    I made you look huh?? Noooooooo I’m not giving away CHER. ALSO, if I did have CHER at my house I would NOT SHARE!! We would hang out, be best buds. Drink wine or vodka and eat M&M’s. We would laugh and sing! (YES, my mind is a very, VERY weird place to live) ANYWHOOOOOOOOOO. NOT Cher the performer but CHER’s EAU DE COUTURE available exclusively at Scent Beauty. This perfume is AAAHHHMaaaaaaazING!! It immediately became my go-to, day to day scent. Soft, powdery scent that’s a little bit rock n roll meets baby lotion. It’s so soft and pretty! It’s not overpowering and it’s not a scent that arrives 20…

  • Nibbled

    Winning Moves Games #Giveaway

    Since I started blogging wayyyyyyyyyyyyy back when, one of my favorite companies to work with was Winning Moves Games. Over the years I have been spoiled with so many amazing games to review. Winning Moves Games has TONS and MORE of games for adults and kids. There are puzzles and Rubik cubes as well.  What else would you expect from a company that is celebrating 25 YEARS!!! Remember this one called Nibbled? Alice and I played that one SO MANY TIMES! (How cute is THIS KID?!)  Crocodile Dentist is STILL a favorite and makes me jump every. single. time. I snapped this picture of Alice when the Crocodile ‘bit’ her.…