• Self Care Yoga at the beach at sunset

    What Is Self Care?

    I read a lot of posts, magazine articles and such that talk about self care. As a caregiver of The Husband with MS, I understand just how important self-care really is. I won’t be any good for him if I’m broken. I get stressed out and give myself a headache.  My shoulders feel like bricks. As much as I would love to indulge in weekly massage or a nightly hot bubble bath complete with bathsalts, face mask, glass bottle of wine. It’s not always in the cards for me. OHHHHHMMMMMGEEEEE I just made a funny!! This post is how I destress and what I consider MY self care that I…

  • Little girl at a wedding

    Five Signs That They’re The One To Marry

    In relationships, there are those that come and go, while others show real signs of being a lifelong commitment. How can one tell the difference between the two? How do you know that person is the one to marry? Many of us in our lifetime will have multiple love interests, whether it’s serious for some or not so serious for others. Here are five signs that will tell a person, if their partner is one that’s marriage material. You can’t see your life without them It’s often an obvious indication sometimes that when you can’t see life without them, then they’re someone who has made a serious impact. There are…

  • Teaching children

    Aiding Your Kids To Become The Best They Can Be

    When you have kids, you are signing up to be everything to that little human. In the beginning, you are going to be the one that they rely on for everything from changing them, to feeding them, to giving them comfort when they are scared, and so on. As they grow up, their needs might change, but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t as intense. As a parent, it’s your job to ensure that they are growing up to become the very best version of themselves, and that’s not always an easy thing to do. The mistake that a lot of parents make is thinking that they don’t have much…