• Ways To Make Your Kitchen Safer for Your Kids

    Ways To Make Your Kitchen Safer for Your Kids

    A child’s safety should always be their parent’s top priority. However, many parents don’t recognize the number of dangers their children face in their own homes. The kitchen can be one of the most dangerous areas of the home, with numerous hazards lurking in the most innocuous places. Whether you have curious toddlers or independent teenagers, it’s important to make your kitchen safer for your kids. Childproofing your kitchen doesn’t have to be difficult or costly. In fact, many simple and affordable changes will greatly reduce the risk of accidents and injuries. Explore some practical tips and tricks that can help you create a kitchen that is both safe and…

  • Bus Stop Safety kids at school bus

    Must-Know Bus Stop Safety Tips

    Statistics show that pedestrian injury is the second-leading cause of accidental injury-related deaths among children between the ages of 5 and 14 in the U.S. This means that risks can occur when your child is walking to school, walking around your neighborhood, or waiting for the bus. School bus safety is critical for parents and children to be aware of, and sometimes parents overestimate their children’s understanding of safety precautions. According to the National Highway Safety and Transportation Association (NHTSA), students are around 70 times more likely to get to school safety in a bus as opposed to a car, so it’s not necessarily the bus itself parents should be…

  • family on the beach

    How to Cope with Anxiety When You’re a Parent

    If you’re a parent, you will have to cope with anxiety at some point in time. There are a lot of risks in daily life, and when you have children, it’s your job to protect them as much as you can from those risks. For example, 600 child pedestrians are killed by car crashes every year, which is why we as parents are so vigilant about supervision and hand-holding when our kids are walking on the streets or in parking lots. What happens when, as a parent, your anxiety goes beyond what might be seen as typical, however, and becomes something more pervasive? If you’re a mom with an anxiety…