• Science little boy with protective eyewear

    4 Tips to Help Your Child Ace Science Class

    Science can be a difficult subject for some children to grasp. It can be especially challenging if they don’t have the right tools to help them succeed. This blog post will provide four tips that will help your child ace science class! By following these simple steps, your child will be well on their way to success in science and beyond! 1) Make science fun Science is an exciting and engaging subject for children to explore, but sometimes it can be intimidating. To make science fun and enjoyable, parents should create a learning environment that encourages experimentation and exploration. It’s important to focus on the basics first and then allow…

  • Schooling at Home: The Real Lessons We Should Be Teaching Our Kids

    With all the educational trends over the last year pointing towards schooling at home and remote working, parents all over the world have had to fly by the seat of their pants. When they receive work from the school, they have to interpret it and do the best they can with the child. And while there’s a lot to be said about the importance of academics, while our children are at home, we might want to start thinking about the best lessons that we can teach our children that are not necessarily provided by schools. If you have thought that there are certain lessons that you need to teach your…

  • Early Childhood Education Children at school

    5 Excellent Reasons Why Early Childhood Education Is So Important

    Most parents are anxious about whether sending their child to an early learning center is the best idea. It can be hard to separate yourself from your child when they are so young. But, in many cases, it is the only option as parents need to return to work. Even if work is not a factor in the equation, there are five excellent reasons why you should be focusing on early childhood education for your child.  Just be sure to take your time choosing the right place. A little research will ensure you’ve chosen a reputable center, such as this Croydon early learning center. 1. Independence One of the toughest…