• Doctor with stethoscope

    Say WHAT?!?! Cardiovascular disease #1 killer of women in US?!

    Did you know Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the number one killer of women and men in the US (AHA 2020)?? I had no idea. My followers know that I don’t do very many supplement reviews. What works for me may not be right for you, so it’s really hard to write about a supplements. HOWEVER, I’m gonna try to do my best to tell you about BP-RX Remember, I am not a doctor, nurse or any kind of medical person (Unless searching on Google qualifies me to not only diagnose or treat every kind of medical ailment known to man; then I have multiple degrees and tabs saved.) In all seriousness,…

  • Girl with braces

    How to Select a Good Orthodontist Clinic

    In the old days, going to the dentist or the orthodontist clinic was something that used to happen because one had to. But nowadays, there is a wealth of experience and excellent orthodontist who are ready and available to take care of your teeth and give you the smile and confidence that you want It is important that every member of a family focuses on good oral health. When every family member from an early age starts to get good care for their teeth, tooth issues can be corrected before they develop into bigger issues. Therefore, making family trips to visit a dentist can help everyone get help for their…

  • Sad child

    Is Light Therapy Suitable For Children?

    Light therapy is an amazing technology that has changed our conventional concept therapy significantly. With a little bit of time, technology has evolved a lot and provides us with numerous benefits. A lot of industries are now experimenting with light therapy, gained and adopted this therapy in their regarding sectors. So, why should the child care industry lag behind them? As per research, light therapy has numerous benefits for mental health and physical health conditions. Children are not prone to such diseases and can be affected as much as an adult if not more. So, the researchers developed light therapy devices keeping the welfare of the children in mind. In…