Thank you Poots N Pans
A while back I won a Uppercase Living gift card on the PootsandPans blog. Uppercase Living is a vinyl wall art site. There are so many AWESOME sayings and designs it took me forever to pick the one I wanted. (I already see a bunch more I want!!) Over the weekend I finally had time to put my saying up on the wall. It took some time to do it, but the directions were easy to follow, you just have to remember to go slow. So my hint…. put your wall art up when you won’t be distracted, take your time, go slow and it will be PERFECT!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE how it came out. “Home, where your story begins” very fitting for our…
I’m with Gus!!
It’s too hot outside!!
I was lucky enough to test a couple of products from Eco Babies. First: Nature’s Baby Organics Baby Oil. LOVE THIS!!! I love this for ME!! Seriously! This baby oil isn’t the old J&J oil that feels sticky after you put it on. This oil absorbs quickly and smells deVINE!! (It’s a light mandarin coconut fragrance. YUM!!) My skin has been so dry lately. Nature’s Baby made a difference the first day I tried it. My skin feels good and looks good all day. I also love the healthy sheen my skin has. I was really impressed with Nature’s Baby oil after it helped my cracked and dry heels! I put the oil on after my shower added socks and the next morning I…
Happy Birthday Zachary!!
Happy Birthday Zac! I love you!
Why, when I clean house do I make it worse and more overwhelming? Why can’t I clean a small spot and move on? Instead I take this to the kitchen …. ohhhh I can clean this up here…… ohhhhhhh this has to go to the laundry…… AND NOW?!!? I have a family BBQ tomorrow, the entire house is a mess and I’m to sleepy to care.
Blackberry Playbook PLEASE!!!
I want this tablet!!! I love my Blackberry (okay let’s be honest here….. I’m addicted to my Blackberry!) so when Blackberry came out with their answer to the iPad I was drooling! I want it!! I WANT it!!! I WANT!! Blackberry Playbook is awesome it has everything I want in a tablet! It will play videos, it has a calendar, wifi enabled, flash, VIDEO chat!!!!! You can run apps simultaneously and in real time. AND it’ll work with my BB! It’s small enough to fit into my purse. I started on CandaPost.com which does price comparisons with reviews. The Blackberry Playbook has 4.71 out of a 5 rating. Now to convince DH that I really NEED…
Home sweet home!
Michigan shrunk my suitcase!! I arrived out here with a full backpack……. and I’m not sure how all my stuff is going back into the same bag!! I blame Michigan’s heat! I’m very sad! I don’t have enough room in my bag for my grandbabies!! I hate HATE having them in Michigan and me in California. (Course not enough to live in Michigan….. it’s DAMN HOT here!! But, a lot none the less)