Day 8 Photo-a-day Challenge
Ohhhh YEA!! Hang your head in SHAME!!!! ‘Cause BRONCOS RULE!!!!! New readers… this is Mority. He’s part of the family. If you are interested… he is mentioned lots… just search my blog for “Mority” Or you can friend him on FB.
Affordable Scarves Review and GIVEAWAY!!
This is my new scarf. The Nicole Scarf It’s THE perfect shade of Turquoise!! This scarf is long! Extra long 82″ by 25″. 100% cotton. This scarf is PERFECT!! It’s so light and airy. I had so many compliments on my scarf today. It’s so pretty! I could not be more pleased!! The quality is awesome. The Affordable Scarves(.com) company has super fast shipping! Such great prices!! There are so many beautiful scarves to choose from you’ll be on the site ohhing and ahhhing…. over and over. It’s hard to choose just one!!!!!! I know cause I’ve already picked out my next scarf(s). This is my next scarf Betty Silk Floral Or……. the…
Day 7 of 366 Photo Challenge
Today was a perfect day for a trip to the San Diego Zoo!! Slightly over cast. A little on the cool side…. perfect!! The highlight for me was when Emma (3 years old toting her own camera) told me “Na Na you take a picture of the ‘lephants head. I take a picture of it’s butt” Yup… that’s a GREAT shot of an ‘lephants butt!! Sweet sweet Emma!! Eli… Soooo CUTE!!!!!!! Alice brought her own Giraffe How cool is this Jaguar? He looks like he is smiling huh?? Or maybe he thought that baby on my lap was lunch?? Hummmmm very happy there is VERY thick glass between us!!
Sooo excited!!
Be sure and come back tomorrrrrooooooooooowww (See? I sing soooo well in written form!!) I am so excited to be a part of the $500 giveaway!!! WOOO HOOOO!!! If you win will you’ll lend me some?? Please??
Why is it so hard to remember to take a picture a day until 7pm at NIGHT?!??!? UGH!! I have GOT to start early in the day thinking of what to take a picture of!!!!!!!!! Hummmmmmmm what to photograph at 7pm??? Did the dog….. did the kid…. ummmmmmmmm LET’s go outside!!!!!! It’s pitch black outside except the moon………… and the High School lights from the football game. I love the look of the lights over our back fence. I swear I could have a night time BBQ and only use the high school field lights. Whew…. look at me!! 6 days into the challenge and I’ve done 6 days!!…
Tablet Time!!
Wanna win a Nook Tablet??? I know you do!! MamaNYC
Betcha my evening has been wayyyyyy more fun than yours!! These are our Oscar’s “Salt & Pepper”. They are BIG fish. Almost 12″ long. BIG fish!! Salt was bored and wanted to go on a flop about. YUP YUP… Salt jumped out of the tank and flopped on the floor. First though you turn down the tv and ask… “what is that NOISE?” (we have tile floor a big wet fish makes a really odd noise!) Next you have to catch BIG flopping fish… Soooo much fun. This isn’t the first time… and won’t be the last I’m sure… Where does she think she’s GOING?!?! We even keep a…
Oh I hope you don’t expect me to number…. or count down the picture a day thing…… cause it’s seriously hard to remember to TAKE the picture a day let alone count them DOWN!!!!!!!! So picture for today is……. This is Gracie. The OTHER Princess in the house!!