• Big Boss Juicer

    The Big Boss Juicer Review

    The Big BOSS Juicer is amazing!! I don’t know how to start this review except for a great big WOW!!! Unless you have been living under a rock for the last few years, you’ve no doubt heard about the amazingness of juicing. Juicing can help you to lose weight. Juicing helps you reap the benefits of all those fruits and veggies with easy digestion. Juicing helps you reduce cravings, because your body is getting everything it needs!! Juicing is a great Energy Workout Boost too. The benefits go on and on.  How do you start? With a great juicer like the Big Boss Juicer! This is a heavy duty juicer, as in throw…

  • The Zing Anything Aqua Zinger Water Bottle!

    Everyone knows the benefits of drinking water. First, drinking water is a great weight loss strategy. Water makes your skin look better. It’s true, hydrating helps plump up those fine lines and wrinkles. Water will help you fight off fatigue and flush out toxins. Water can help with headaches! Water. It’s a glorious, wonderful thing and it’s boring as all get out!! Not anymore!! HOORAY!! The Aqua Zinger Water Bottle is no longer available, but this water bottle is pretty darn close! I think I would like it more than the Zinger. Check this OUT!! The Zing Anything Aqua Zinger Water Bottle lets me make flavored water to make it…

  • Clothing Children for Success

    Clothing Children for Success For most parents, children are their greatest achievement in life, and naturally those parents want to give their precious bundles of joy the very best they can–without breaking the bank. Whether it be a great college education, an amazing graduation gift, or even the most beautiful wedding in the history of mankind, parents often struggle to know what their children will want or need well before they are old enough to know for themselves. Of course, children will eventually make their opinions known, and one of the first instances of little personalities showing through is when it’s time to get dressed. Everyone knows that what you…