• Family Fun: What Will You Do In Summer?

    Before you know it, summer will be here again. If you like to plan ahead, then you should look into popular summer activities that your whole family can enjoy. What can your family do for summer fun? Go outside. Physical activity is essential for good health. Combining physical activity with eating right can help you avoid all sorts of health problems. Besides prevention, physical activity can promote strong bones, build lean muscle, burn fat, and help weight control. In addition, it can improve flexibility, cardiovascular health, and bone and joint development. Children should get at least an hour of active play to maintain good health and the right bodyweight. It…

  • #DrWhitening Dr Whitening Natural Teeth Whitening System

    I’m sure that most people like me want a bright white smile for our holiday photographs. So how to do that? Use your whitening toothpaste, gels in trays, messy strips and give up coffee and tea. Ummmm no. Sorry, you do NOT want to see this NaNa without her coffee. Strips do a great job, but I’ve always found that they don’t do as great a job between my teeth, they are also expensive as all get out! No UV lights.  There’s gels, but they usually taste bad and are messy. Plus there is the whole boiling the mouth trays…. yeah I’ve ruined my fair share of those. Whitening toothpaste,…

  • Tough Cookie Book Review

    Alice and I are at it again with another kids book!! Today we bring you Tough Cookie by Kate Louise & Illustrated by Grace Sandford.  What a sweet book this is!! When this gingerbread man was baked, someone forgot to put in the ginger. He’s made of eggs and cinnamon and flour and butter and sugar, but he’s missing a key ingredient! Without ginger, the gingerbread man feels like he’s not really a gingerbread man at all! He can’t be sold in the bakery, so he lives at the back of the store. And there he causes all kinds of trouble. This gingerbread man eats the baker’s decorating candy. He…