• Little boy with painted hands

    Three Smart Tips to Fostering Your Child’s Creative Side!!

    Every parent wants their child to grow up to be well-rounded, right? However, doing so is easier than done in our tech-crazy, hustle and bustle world. With little times in our schedules and the never-ending temptation to stick our kids in front of the television to get some peace and quiet, how can we possibly find time to encourage our kids’ creative side? First of all, relax. Bear in mind that there’s only so much control we have in terms of how our children grow up: all we can do is create the best environment we possibly can. In my experience, creating that creative spark is actually pretty simple. While…

  • Happy 4th of July!!

    What would the 4th of July be without a BBQ?!?! Uhhhh it would be my kind of 4th I guess. Everyone in the family had different plans so DH (dear hubby) and I decided to go to the movies. Today’s movie made up for yesterdays. Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds in The Proposal. I must own that movie when it comes to DVD. (Can I have the suit that Sandra Bullock wears in the beginning?? Please?!?!) I think you loose weight when you laugh right?? That is an added bonus to this movie! 2 thumbs WAY up!! I also opted for a small popcorn vs my usual LARGE popcorn. (look…

  • Four Ways To Take Care Of Your Family’s Hair!!

    If you are looking to keep up appearances, taking care of your family’s hair is a great place to start. Your hair is one of the first things that people notice about you. If it is unkempt, greasy, or poorly styled, it will appear as though you do not take pride in your appearance. However, if your family is lucky enough to have shiny and thick hair, it will send the message that you are all happy and healthy individuals. Don’t just leave this down to luck. Take control of the situation and follow these simple tips. Find the right style for you The way that you wear your hair…