• Too Full To Type!!

    I hope all the Peanut’s and Whiners (Thank you Sarah for that one!!) had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  OH MAN I am still so full I can hardly move!! Holy Guacamole Batman I ate too much food!! I did want to share my Pinterest I DID IT! AND it looked EXACTLY like it was supposed too!!!  A pumpkin shaped cheese ball! This came from The Country Cook and as soon as I saw this on Pinterest I knew I had to make one. I changed it up a little. I used Hidden Valley’s dip mix (Mostly because The Husband was sent to the store with the list and that’s what he…

  • Dream kitchen

    5 Things to Do Regularly to Keep Your Kitchen Clean!!

    If you like a clean and tidy place that you can live in comfortably and stress free, you may spend more time than you prefer cleaning every room to your standards. Since the kitchen is not only the area where we spend most of our time (by choice or not!), this can require more time and effort to keep it spotless. Because the family is always preparing meals, snacks and destroying the place often as they move along in the feeding process, the cleanup can be ongoing and is much more difficult for you and everyone involved if left to do all at once. Clean as You Go A sink…