• Happy Sunday From Sandpoint Idaho!

    I have made an executive decision. Instead of hunting for a funny, lazy, Sunday GIF I am going to start posting pictures that The Husband sends from the new house in Sandpoint, Idaho.  Yup, yup that sounds like a great idea. Seriously, this Colorado native, turned 37 year Sunny California loving girl, is gonna have a LOT of adjusting to do!! But, really how cool is the fog??

  • Blue water

    What is the difference between sediment filters and drinking water filters?

    Water is one of the most abundant substances on our planet, which is just as well considering it is essential for all forms of life. The average adult is approximately 60% water! You may not consider the importance of water, after all, you turn on a tap and there it is. You assume it is clean and safe to drink. In fact, it has been through a chemical process to make sure that it is safe; you may even have a water filter in your house to soften hard water or reduce the salt in soft water. This is actually very common as 80% of households in the US have…

  • Pumpkin Shaped Wood Diffuser For Essential Oils SO Unique!!

    I was so excited when my new diffuser for fall arrived. It’s so cool!!!! It looks like a pumpkin and its a dark wood grain that matches my book cases perfectly. I’m really impressed with this unit, it’s just so CUTE! It’s like a ninja decoration because its cute and functional. It arrived in a very simple small box, minimal wrapping and all the goodies were inside. It even came with a small measuring cup to eliminate spills (unless your clumsy). The cord was long enough that I could put it on top of the book-case after a botched attempt to put it on a shelf. The cool mist comes…