• COMET TV December GIVEAWAY: Tank Girl Exclusive Swag!

    It’s December, the time when you think of a roaring fire, dinners with friends, great Christmas movies like…. Tank Girl! Wait? What? Leave it to Comet TV to keep us from getting too sentimental around the Holidays!! This month COMET TV has some of the cult-iest movies of all time. Earth Girls Are Easy, Tank Girl, Leviathan!! Or some of my favorites like Attack of the Puppet People, Dolls and more, plus the Martian Holiday Movie Marathon! This holiday season, prepare to head to another world. If you say that in an ominous inner voice, it sounds awesome! The COMET TV December Prize Pack has: 1 – Limited Edition Tank…

  • Thieves essential oil

    It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year!

    It is the most wonderful time of the year, right?  As a Mom,  one of the most obvious indicators of  this glorious season is the lights? The tree? The ambiance? No,   not even close. It is the …….germs. The sniffles, the sneezes, the fevers, the sour stomach.  It spreads like wild fire and man oh man, no thank you. Before essential oils it was something that we just sat and waited for. Watching, waiting. Enter Young Living. Enter THIEVES essential oil blend. This intoxicating oil blend is a combination of clove, cinnamon, lemon, eucalyptus radiata, and rosemary. But what makes is so freaking fabulous? The story of the thieves…

  • window reading nook

    Tips For Turning a Sunroom Into a Playroom!!

    Finding an area in our homes to be a playroom can be a tall order, but also can feel necessary. You don’t want your kid’s toys, games and craft supplies to crowd the rest of your home, and having a dedicated space to keep all of this can reduce clutter and make cleanup easier. With that being said, most people don’t have a lot of extra square footage to dedicate to a playroom, but if you have a sunroom, it can be a good fit. Sunrooms aren’t usually used all that often, and they can be a bright, fun place for kids to play. Plus, they often have tile floors…