• Can I Pull My Child out of School go back to school

    Why Going Back To School Could Be The Best Thing For You

    In life, we all have different routes with different chapters. The way you live your life should be unique, and you have to do what you want to do. There are obviously things that you NEED to handle, but your journey should mostly be about what you want. This can be quite a difficult idea to grasp if you’re quite impressionable and can be easily influenced by others. You might follow in the footsteps of family or friends because you feel like you need to fit in. The truth is that you’re your own person, and you have to spend the limited time you have here making your own decisions. …

  • Bushnell Trophy TRS-25

    How to Use a Red Dot Sight- aim something quickly and easily

    Red dot sights are not traditional optics. They are like the future of optics since iron sights are the optics of the past.  In this article, I will discuss what are the sights, variations of them, how they work, and how to use a red dot sight. What Is a Red Dot Sight A red dot sights the name implies is a red dot that is used as a reticle. The dot always does not need to be red. Sometimes it could be green too. Red dot sights are useful for aiming at something short or medium range, These optics are ideal for beginner shooters who need to practice a…

  • Custom Envy

    Custom Envy

    What is Custom Envy you ask? Only my favorite place on the net to design my own PERFECT phone case. But, not only can you get a phone case but also notebooks, blankets, clocks, just about anything you can customize you will find on Custom Envy! Y’all know me, I am obsessed with photography.  My favorite subject of course being Alice (let’s not tell my kids!) I swear I would be happy as all get out if my daughter would send me a picture a day. I have digital picture frames that flash Al’s smiling face (okay, okay the entire family also flickers on screen) However, when I am out…