• Business meeting

    15 Ways to Increase Your Business Productivity

    Whether you’ve just started a new business or you’re looking for new areas to improve, there are several ways you can boost your productivity. For anyone who runs a small business, it might feel like the to-do list is never-ending. Procrastination can also get the better of you, and it can be challenging to prioritize when every task seems essential. In order to improve operations, you need to find new strategies to be more efficient and streamline everyday processes. It’s essential to motivate your employees as well. Here are fifteen ways to increase your business productivity. Learn to prioritize Firstly, you need to learn how to prioritize. You need to…

  • Faith Under Fire

    Faith Under Fire Movie Review #FaithUnderFireMIN

    Faith Under Fire I don’t know if you’ve seen previews or not, personally, it’s a title I hadn’t ever heard of. However, since I am a huge fan of Kevin Sorbo and Dean Cain I was excited to settle in for movie night. A movie with Kevin Sorbo AND Dean Cain? Well, of course, you can count me in! I have to admit this movie didn’t seem to be a big budget film.  It did still keep us entertained. The main character (a fireman) is introduced at the beginning of the movie with a house fire.  Talk about an intense beginning! Not only did my eyes water up but my…

  • Home Renovations Move? Front of green house

    4 Home Renovations You’ll Get Your Money Back On!!

    There are a variety of reasons why you may wish to undertake home renovations. All of them will make you consider the current layout and how to adjust what you have to suit your lifestyle. Some of the most popular reasons are to add value, to increase space and simply to restore a new or tired home. But, unless you have exceptionally deep pockets you should consider balancing your renovations against the returns you are likely to get. The fact is that house prices are rising; if your renovation can increase the value of your home this may help you move in the future; if you decide that you want…