May 26th Photo-A-Day Z
The end of the Photo-A-Day challenge and as promised my Z is all about my son Zachary. At one time I could have done an ZOO. We had a dogs, cats, mice, snake and birds. Yes. All at the same time. I really wonder how our family managed to cram into one little house with the ZOO we had. I could have done ZEN area that’s behind the house. It really, truly is a ZEN area. BUT……….. Since my darling daughter Selena was mentioned during this A to Z photo challenge it’s only fitting that Zachary gets a mention as well. Zac will actually turn 40 in July. How the…
May 25th, Photo-A-Day Y
Y not let Mother Nature do Photo-A-Day Y!! Bear and I had a wonderful 2 hour hike today. Not a single shed (antler) found. But it was a great hike. All before the thunderstorms that are supposed to arrive here in Idaho any time. I found several Y shaped branches and took that as a sign! Easy day!
May 24th Photo-A-Day X
Well, it’s apparent I did not fully think the whole ALPHABET photo prompt thing all the way through. X – Y – Z REALLY?! What the HECK do I have that starts with an X?! APPARENTLY, I have NOTHING!! I looked. I went to the dictionary for something I may have…….. Instead I give you new word. Maybe it’s not new to you but it is to me. I wonder if I could convince The Husband I need a Xyst??
May 23rd Photo-A-Day W
Our hike today provided no antlers. However, I did find a small spool of rusted wire. I know; you are wondering the same thing I am. WHY on earth did I bring it home?? I dunno. In the back of my mind I see a craft project that would require a rustic, rusted spool of wire. It will go nicely with the rusted round thing I found a while back. OR maybe I’m just stretching it with the letter W?! A was easy. The rest of the alphabet is gonna do me in!! Z will probably be a full post about my son Zachary. X and Y?? OHMGEEEE it’s gonna…
May 22nd Photo-A-Day V
This letter was a hard one. I don’t have a volcano to snap a picture of. No vampire here. Haven’t seen a vulture either. The VIOLENT wind we are having today would be super hard to snap a picture of so, I decided that I would just snap a picture of a vine outside the front door. But when I looked down I found a clump of wild violets. That’s a way better picture than vine that hasn’t flowered yet. So I give you Violets. In case you want to check out a creepy treehouse be sure to read Photo A Day T
May 20th Photo-A-Day T
I am kinda excited about this particular Photo-A-Day T prompt because this old gal climbed up into the tree house! Yes, I DID!!! I will totally cop to the fact that I was shaking, white knuckling the climb. I kept hearing the contractors’ warnings about the deck. Same people that built the deck built the tree house……. hummmmmm should this chunky 60 year-old gal reallllllllllly be going up here?? With only the DOG as back up?!?!? Yeah, well I promised that voice in my head a full glass of wine if she just quieted down so I could take a bunch of pictures. At ONE time there were even glass…
May 17th, Photo-A-Day Q
I bet you thought I would be stumped with the Photo-A-Day Q letter especially after the letter G gave me such a hard time. BUT, you would be wrong!! Q is for quiet. AND NOOOOOOO I am not going to end my post here. Although that does sound like something I would and have done. Nope. Today while Bear and I went on our morning hour and a half hike I stopped and took a video so you could enjoy the surroundings and the quiet around us as we hike. It’s different every. single. day. No matter which way we go we see something different. This is such a beautiful…
May 15th Photo-A-Day O
OHMGGGGGGGG I did it again!! OH so happy!! Photo-A-Day O This one was right on top of the brush!! Oh happy dance! On a roll here!! Seriously, who would have thought this was such a great hobby! Okay guys, grab your hiking boots, bug spray and a stick let’s go hike and hunt for sheds!