TING! What’s a Ting?
If you follow me on Instagram you probably already saw the giveaway for TING! They are giving away an iPhone 13 to a lucky Ting customer or a customer that has put a down payment on future Ting internet. GIVEAWAY By the way I would be ever so grateful for a heart on my Instagram post. A comment too if you are feelin’ it! So, Ting internet huh?? Oh, how I drool over Ting! Seriously. Do you remember dial-up? WELL, THAT’s how fast my current internet is now. Watching a video?! OH MY GOD! (DID anyone else hear Janet?!) Yeah, watching a movie is insane. It buffers so much that…
$50 Your Way April 2023 GIVEAWAY!!
Hello Little Peanuts!! FIRST! There are a couple of cha, cha, changes coming this month. (Did anyone else start singing David Bowie style with that intro!?!?) I am taking away the option to tell me how you want your prize in the Giveaway Tools. OHHHHH Settle down!! It’s not that bad, if you will just hear me out. The last few winners never acknowledged their win. Which, okay I get that, everyone is busy. It’s only a blog giveaway. (Which does come out of my pocket. So really, a thank you would be nice. BUT again. I understand. (Ohhhhhh did someone wake up on the bitchy side of the bed??…
$50 Your Way GIVEAWAY March 2023!
Happy March Little Peanuts!! If you are new here WELCOME!! You will find that this is an amazing group of people. The Peanuts (that’s you now!) are supportive and caring! I’m your Head Peanut Connie. This is a monthly giveaway. I always start with a brief blurb about my past month. Sometimes I have a TON to say. Sometimes I’m pretty boring. I live on top of a mountain in Sandpoint Idaho. I have a craft room that I never in my wildest imagination thought I would own. I swear it’s bigger than my 1st apartment! The 2 sets of double doors look out at Lake Ponderay and it’s a…
$50 Your Way Giveaway February 2023!
Here is my monthly update before we get to the giveaway. January drug by! I think because it’s so dang COLD here in Sandpoint, Idaho. Which really means I spent more time in my craft room. For Christmas my amazing children Selena and Zachary bought me the Cricut Mug Press. OHMYGOSH!!! I am beyond addicted. I’m still working on getting colors and placements right, but DANNNNNNNNNG this is fun!! I can take a plain ole white mug, white tumbler, coasters, and magnets and turn them into THIS!!!! Of course all the pictures have disappeared. SORRY!! Granddaughter Olivia requested some new acrylic designs for her light. So I etched these on…
$50 Your Way Giveaway January 2023!!
My First Giveaway for 2023! Happy New Year Little Peanuts!!! 2023 has come in with a vengeance, hasn’t it!! Because BABY it’s cold here in Idaho!! We’ve been in the negative numbers for so long that I practically live under my heated throw! Remember last month when I said I was going to dip my toe in the craft fair pool?? I made some snarky Christmas t-shirts, and I am GIDDY THEY SOLD!!! OHMYGOSH!!! They sold!!! I can sell stuff!!! THEY SOLD!!! People bought my t-shirts!! I’m so excited, I’m also full of anticipation for the next chance to do a craft fair. I promise you; I thought I would…
December’s $50 Your Way Giveaway
This is the last giveaway of 2022!!! Hard to believe that 2023 is only 31 days away. Holy Guacamole Batman this year went fast. BUSY MONTH! My November was busy. Between the emergency trip to California to a slew of medical appointments for The Husband, November went FAST! I didn’t even get to make everyone crazy by putting up my Christmas decorations on November 1st!! I feel all outta sorts because of it! As a matter of fact (get ready to gasp!) I gave serious thought to NOT decorating at all this year! I KNOW RIGHT?!?! Me the 3 different trees and a million different decorations. Lucky for me The…
November 2022 $50 Your Way Giveaway
Before I start the giveaway spiel here is my October recap. But first, do you realize that there are only 61 days left of 2022!?!? That can’t be right can it!?! Yet Alexa tells me it’s true. That’s nuts! Time…. tooo fast! My October just flew by! Mostly because of a family tragedy, Son-in-Law Dan lost his Dad. I flew to California so that Dan could go be with his parents in Tennessee. Dan did make it there in time and now is with his Mom to help her through these first weeks. Although it was a sad reason to be in California I get to be with Alice for…
Hello October 2022! Time For The $50 Your Way Giveaway!!
October 2022 giveaway time. Okay, all together now……… HOW DID it get to be October already!??! My monthly update is filled with Halloween goodies! I decorated early in September. I just couldn’t help it. I started sending goodies to Alice and Olivia for Halloween. Then the whole ‘Winston‘ thing happened. Thank you Kate for the name, it really fits him. The most important part of Winston is the fact that my son Zachary STILL refuses to acknowledge him!!! Seriously!! How stubborn is this kid?!?!?! Yes, I do see the irony. That nut did not fall far from the tree. However, I continue to send an updated picture of Winston throughout…