• Snoring woman Angry Man

    Sleep! Oh How I Miss You

    If you have been on Peanut Butter and Whine for a while, you know that I complain WHINE about not sleeping well. WELL, I’m here to whine some more. Is it my age? Is it the mattress? Is it the pillow? Is it The Husband? (Yes, I do like to blame him for everything. WHY not this??) All I know is I wake up tired. I wake up with my back hurting. My neck hurting, and the dog is snoring. I think the only one in the bed getting a good night’s sleep IS THE DOG!! (she does NOT look amused at the early morning photo shoot) A doctor’s visit…

  • February giveaway logo

    Win $50 YOUR Way Giveaway February 2024

    Hello Little Peanuts! I hope that January was a good month for everyone. I hope that those of you who have been fighting colds feel much better. Life on the Mountain has been pretty calm. I FINALLY made it off the mountain to go pick up my CPAP machine. YUP! Your diesel generator, chainsaw Head Peanut SNORES. LOUD!! After a sleep study, I was diagnosed with severe Sleep Apnea. So, sleep mask it is. I was quite pleased to find out that all I need is a device that covers my nose and shoots in air. OKAY, OKAY fine it doesn’t really SHOOT in air but it does send in…

  • Snoring wife

    Solutions for a Silent Night: 5 Effective Snoring Remedies

    You need snoring remedies when snoring disrupts not only the snorer’s own rest but also the sleep of anyone within earshot. The noisy and abrasive sounds make it difficult to achieve sound slumber. Fortunately, there are solutions that can help reduce or even eliminate snoring altogether. By identifying the root cause and trying tailored remedies, snorers can regain peaceful and quiet sleep. 1. Experiment with Ideal Sleep Positions Sometimes simple adjustments in sleep position can help stop noisy snoring. The effects of gravity on throat tissue can lead to airway obstruction. For example, sleeping on the back allows the tongue to fall backward into the airway, narrowing breathing passages. The…