• I’ll need darker sunglasses!!

    My son Zachary called and said “I’m sitting here looking at somebody famous” I said “Ohhh who do you have over there?” “No, Mom YOU! You are on the tv!!” That’s REALLY COOL!! I’m in a Channel 10 commercial!! WOO HOOO!! I wonder where my paparazzi are hiding?? Nothing else to report today. Pretty uneventful actually. Walked with Kaki. Work was busy. I ate healthy. And watched Channel 10 just to see if I could see myself on TV. (HEY!! A girl has to have hobbies!!!)

  • Thank you!!

    What a great day!! Netta and Krystin you are both SO VERY SWEET!!!! Netta made me a ‘Weight Watcher portion size’ bowl. It’s the perfect shade of orange! It holds the prefect single serving portion! I love this BOWL!!!! (But.. is it bad that I want to see how many M&M’s or how much peanut butter it will hold?? I mean … REALLY.. shouldn’t you KNOW what a portion of peanut butter really looks like?? Not to mention exactly how many M&M’s are in a portion??) (I just wish I could get a better picture! One that shows just how CUTE this bowl is!!!! Thank you Netta & Krystin!!! You…

  • Fine!! I’m not 16 anymore! Geesh!!

    Wii Resort is a GAME!!! A fun GAME!! You aren’t supposed to be sore playing a video game!! Maybe get a thumb cramp! Not your arms, buns, shoulders, legs… well, you get the idea… HOLY MOLY I’m sore in muscles I didn’t know I had! The Carlsbad Marathon may very well kill me!!