• Obsession……

    I know…. I know!  It seems I am obsessed by these Freerunners but it’s because I can’t WALK up a side walk gracefully let alone WALK UP A WALL!!!!!!!!!  We aren’t even going to the whole “mid air somersault!” 

  • I love FOOTBALL!!

    So let’s say your team is down 6 to 0. You have nothing to lose… This will only work ONE TIME! This is AWESOME!!!!!!! If you watched “SportsCenter” on Monday (Nov. 8) — or the “Today” show, or any number of other highlight shows — you may have seen the amazing play run by the football team at Driscoll Middle School in Corpus Christi, Texas. But just because you’ve seen it, there’s no reason not to watch again, and again. It’s that good — so good that it’s already racked up more than a million views on YouTube. The play is simple: Driscoll lines up, and the center hands the…

  • Christian Kane, I love his acting from Angel to Leverage (And more) but I never knew he could sing!!! WOW!! This man is TALENTED and nice to look at tooo!! Seriously! How did I not know he could sing like this?!?!?