• Happy Thanksgiving!

    Happy Thanksgiving!!!!  I hope your Thanksgiving was as a great as ours was!  The whole family all together! It was AWESOME!!!!! Great food.  Great company!  And a dance off…….. what more could you as for??  

  • How To Stop Procrastinating

      If ever there was a book written just for me… this IS IT!!! I have the worst time with procrastinating!  Seriously, I get into moods where I could care less about that stack of stuff on the table…that leaks over to the counter that oozes down the hallway.  This whole week has been the worst. (Okay let’s be truthful it’s wayyyyy longer than a week!) The point is,  I could have cleaned the house and had everything done for tomorrows Thanksgiving dinner WAY early… but NO not me!! No instead I waited so long that this whole mess has become so overwhelming!! So when I was chosen to review…

  • The Meth Project

    Since I’m on a roll here with campaign’s I want to share the new campaign for The Meth Project, a non-profit organization focused on warning and educating teens about the dangers of meth use.  This is a SCARY drug!!!  Parents need to be always vigil, always watching and always questioning. The non-profit has developed 4 hard-hitting videos that show teens reflecting upon the questions they might have asked before ever trying the drug. In “Losing Control,” a teenage boy reflects on how his Meth addiction has driven him to steal from his family and turn violent on his little brother. (Keep in mind some of these videos are very hard-hitting.)…