Dog Park
Okay I admit it I never had an interest in going to a dog park. I had a preconceived notion of ……… I don’t know…. dog fights….. dirt everywhere….. I dunno. I just never went! I never WANTED to go! I mean why? I have a yard, Gracie get’s to go on walks….. why DRIVE to a dog park?! BUT Selena talked me into taking Miss Gracie yesterday (for her 5th birthday!) First, I have to admit…. I’m hooked. I actually want to be there NOW! 2nd the park is nicer than some of kids parks I’ve been too!! I want MY YARD to look like the dog park!! The entrance If only they…
Blogging Buddies Thursday Blog Hop (week 3)
I’m ready to try another blog hop! I sorta know what I’m doing now… sorta. Anddddd now I’m not. LOL Thanks to Sue over at Finger Click Saver I’m pulling buttons off for right now. Sue got a message that my site had Malware on it. Remember last week?? When I lost everything and had to reboot Windows?? UGH!!! So I’ve done a complete Anti-Virus scan (Twice tonight!) Nothing shows up… and the only thing that I added to the blog was the linking buttons soooooooooooooooooooooo……… I will try this blog hoppin’ again….. later. Ohhhhhhhh waiiiiittttttt! I added the facebook button… hummmmmm ya think it was that?!?! MANNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!! Grrrrrrrr…. perhaps…
Blog Cabin at DIY Network
So I want you to see my new home. (Yea… I’m winning it… so don’t bother to go enter…. cause I’m movin’ in!!) Fine… if you do win I have dibs on the 2nd bedroom!
Stupid SPELL CHECK!!! I just entered a giveaway and wrote I’m a google friend follower. What I sent?? I’m a google friend flower. Yaaaaa yuck it up…. I’m a pretty little dainty flower!!! I just wanted everyone to know it!!
Ohhhhh I’m in a BAD MOOD!!! Somewhere today I picked up a nasty virus. Now I am reloading Windows and Norton…..gggrrrrrrr.. I was having so much fun blog hopping then BAMB!!! NOW I’M NOT HAVING FUN!!! It’s 1a.m. I’m sleepy… I’m irritated. Then twice as many kids were outside and in my YARD tonight till almost 11pm. WHAT is going ON with PARENTS?!? I’m so grumpy right now. I just wish those kids would come to the window again…. cause I would run outside and whoop some butts!! I’m beginning to think these are parents that work nights and the older brother that was out there tonight is about 12 or 13 is in charge. If…
Super Sunday Stalker
I am excited to be trying my first blog stalking! In this mornings FormualMom email were all the instructions. Sounded easy enough so I’m trying it. I’m hoping to make some new friends! If your new here…… HELLO!!! It’s nice to meet you!! Click here to stalk with me! BTW leave me a note and I will always follow back!!
Where are your parents???
There are 3 LITTLE children(under 6 years old!) outside playing in the street right outside my house. It’s 10:00pm!!! There are no adults outside with them. WHO let’s there kids play outside IN THE STREET this late?!?! It’s dark! This is southern California!! What is the matter with these PARENTS?!?! I don’t know why I thought you needed to know this…… except ….well …. it’s 10:00!!! These 3 kids should be in BED!!! Besides, I want someone else outraged too. Now I’m off to yell at those kids “GET your BUTT’s home!! RIGHT NOW!!!”
Hold please…….
I had a doctors appointment today with a doctor I hadn’t seen before. (A specialist even… and noooo it’s notta tummma. That was my best Arnie if you didn’t get that)Sooooooo Dr. A walks in the room at the same time his cell phone rings. “You wouldn’t mind if I take this would you?” Not that Dr. A waited for response. Here is what I learned in the 12 minutes!! Dr A was on the phone, first Dr. A is hard of hearing ’cause that call was LOUD. (Yes the room is small but I shouldn’t be able to hear the backGROUND noise on the other end!!) I learned his modem is not working correctly, his hard…