• Hero

    Be sure and watch all the way to the end. I am in AWE!! I can’t make a STICK figure that LOOKS like a stick figure!!!!!! Let alone try and paint while spinning a canvas! I love this whole video……… between the painting and these two songs…. it brought tears to my eyes.

  • Pumpkin’ pie cutie…..

    I am soooo THANKFUL I had my kids when I was young cause HOLY MOLY I am EXHAUSTED!!  She’s TEENY TINY BABY!!!  She sleeps, eats and poops. Why am I sooooo exhausted?? Cutie pumpkin’ pie. But Alice did let me know even though I put her in a pumpkin costume she still loves me!!!  See Dan?!?!? Alice LOVES it with Nonnie. (hummmm a smart woman would remove the picture above….. but nooo NOT me!!!!)  

  • Halloween begins NOW!!!!!!!!!!!

    So yesterday’s picture was just my way of saying “I can’t STAND it anymore!! I have to décorate for Halloween NOW!!  RIGHT now!!”  Then the day after Halloween I want to put up the Christmas Tree. This will be Baby T’s first Halloween and Christmas AND I will have Emma and Eli here TOO!! I can’t wait!! I can’t stand it…… I wonder if I could put the Christmas Tree up and décorate it in a Halloween theme?!?! Hummmmmmm Ohhhhhhhhh my dear SWEET SWEET SWEET Dhhhhh!!!  Can we please?!?! PLEASE!?!? Now…. give me a baby (let’s say BabyT) a box of Halloween Decorations and a camera and what you have…