• Animal clip art

    123 Kids Fun Alphabet App Review

    For those of you who are new here I babysit my 4 year old Granddaughter Alice full-time. Right now Alice is a sponge. She learns so fast and is so anxious to learn that I want to do everything I can to encourage her and provide her with all the educational tools that I can. I know there is a lot of controversy over kids using the iPad so early in life, personally I think iPads are the future and can be so educational!! My 6 Year Old Granddaughter Emma used an iPad in First Grade in the classroom. I believe by the time Alice is in school she will…

  • Heart drawings

    Three Great Foundations Supporting Single Parents and Children

    In the United States, 35 percent of children under the age of 18 live in single parent families, according to 2013 data from the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Kids Count Data Center. And according to the National Women’s Law Center’s 2014 report, single mothers are nearly five times more likely to live in poverty than married couple families. These staggering statistics speak to the massive need for support and resources for single parents in the U.S. Responding to this call, many private individuals and companies have started charitable foundations whose aim is to provide support of some kind to single parents and their children. While they vary in vision and…

  • keyboard iPad case

    Ozaki iPad Air2 Keyboard Case Review

    Check out this Keyboard Case made specifically for my iPad Air 2 today’s review is for the Ozaki iPad Keyboard Case. WOW! If you have an iPad you know how hard it is type on the screen for long periods of time. Of course my son Zachary does ALL of this typing on his iPhone and hates typing on a keyboard. So if you are like Zachary then never mind! For the rest of us, this is a SWEET keyboard case! The OZAKI O!tool KeePad for iPad Air or iPad Air 2 is an amazingly well-designed product combining a keyboard base that let’s me use my iPad in any mode I…