• 4 week update

    First I have to say I am SO READY for this week to be OVER!!!!!!!!! Kaki is on vacation so I didn’t walk. Yes, I know I could have walked all by myself, but what if I got lost? What if a pack of wild dogs………. okay so you get the point. I took the lazy route and slept in. It showed up on the scale (stupid pack of wild dogs!) Besides the constant eating and no exercise I am up .5 pounds. I know it’s not a lot, but, it’s still a gain and I don’t LIKE IT!!! This whole week has been just poor decisions!! From eating, exercise…

  • Hair Care From Playa!! California Beach Hair Without The Work!!!

    Here comes another one of those TMI posts. Yup the ol’ too much information post. Seriously, what don’t I tell you people?! One of my obsessions? Maybe obsession isn’t the right word more like obsessive compulsive neurotic tics is my hair. OH MY GOSH. My hair. My daughter Selena is beyond tired of hearing “Maybe I should…” followed by a never-ending list from let it go gray, color it red, bleach it blonde, grow it out, shave it off. I can NOT make UP my MIND!!! I don’t KNOW what I want!! All I have to say is; I thank the Lord above for my best friend Deb. Not just…