• Snow

    Winter Preparedness Mountain Style

    Winter Preparedness, after the craft room clean-up that I posted about yesterday. I thought for sure that I would immediately be creating masterpieces right and left. I was WRONG!!! The Husband had other plans for me. Plans I did not particularly LIKE! But, since I do like to be warm in the winter I had to help. Sooooooooooo, pouting, chopping, and stacking wood took up the rest of last week. OUCH! Now not just my back hurts, my shoulders and MY HEAD hurts too! THANKFULLY, my feet don’t hurt.  Walking on uneven ground back and forth with arms full of wood to different piles, I’m just glad I have plenty…

  • My childhood toys

    The Story of the Sock Monkey!

    IF you are of a certain age YOU no doubt had a sock monkey growing up. I STILL have mine (AGAIN, I AM NOT a HOARDER!) Handmade by my Aunt Mary Jo.  Side note… at 65 years old I still have several of my favorite toys.  (kinda makes that whole “I’m not a hoarder claim fly out the window huh?) OR were you surprised??  Regular visitors, I am 100% certain that this did not surprise you at ALL!!  Just a little FYI here; the Sock Monkey originated in the Victorian era. Those Nelson Socks have come a long way! Now socks are a true fashion statement as well as a…