• cute speakers

    JamBrites Cutest Little Speakers EVER!!

    I don’t want to scare you but Christmas is only 77 days away! SAY WHAAAAAAAA????? Of course, here in Idaho I didn’t even get FALL. We went straight to WINTER!! Snow and all. So, maybe that’s why I’m already in the holiday mode. (Don’t worry! I’m not taking down any Halloween decorations yet! I’m still in full on Halloween mode!) My little JamBrites work for both! Halloween and Christmas gifts. The reason I bright up how many days till Christmas is because I have started my shopping. I’m always on the look out for a unique and fun gift for Alice. (okay, okay for the rest of ’em all too….…

  • Cute kids

    I Got ’em ALL!! Summer Boredom Busters!!

    Between the The Secret Life of Pets 2 Value Box, to Topps 2019 Series 2 Fat Pack to the ULTIMATE Pokemon Sun and Moon – Unbroken Bonds I have found the best summer  boredom items for kids!  As you know we are having a new roof put on the house. The guys are winding down now so the BEST nail and trash pick-er-uppers arrived to do their jobs. (KUDOs to the kids! Cause they picked up their weight in nails. I swear the people that built this house must have owned stock in nails. EVERY thing in/out and around this house has a nail every .5″. It’s insane!) Oh there I went…

  • Slap Sticks

    LOL! Pikimi Pops! Pikmi’s Thank you @BullsiToys

    Well, that couldn’t have been harder if I tried!! I wanted to film a Pikimi Pops and LOL Doll video. I wanted to create a cute unboxing video with Alice (8) in California. The Non (not 8!) in Idaho. Alice has a social schedule that would make The Rock look like a lazy bump. (BTW if you don’t follow The Rock on Instagram you are SOOOOO missing out!) Number one. I had no idea what I was doing! At one point I had a camera, laptop, cell phone and iPad all videotaping something. Alice kept saying “Non do you want to wait and call me back?” Noooooooooo I got this!!…