• Fast Food

    Obesity: What next?

    Overweight and obesity are global trends affecting millions of people worldwide. Almost half the population of the United States has a bit of extra weight, while each third American has obesity. Many people believe obesity is just an aesthetic problem and do not realize its health complications. However, having trouble finding brands that fit your body is not a problem at all compared to the damage it does to your internal organs.  What is obesity? Obesity is commonly defined as having an excess of body fat. The commonly accepted way to tell if you are obese or not is by measuring your Body Mass Index, or BMI. If you are…

  • Quarantine 15

    How to Lose the “Quarantine 15”

    The world is a topsy-turvy place right now. COVID-19 has changed a lot about the way we live our lives. Many of those changes have led to something known as the “Quarantine 15.” Like the Freshman 15, the Quarantine 15 is weight gain brought on by a sudden life change. In this case, it’s the way we’re all sheltering safely at home. And while it’s good to follow the stay-at-home orders and social distancing recommendations—they can even be life-saving—it’s leading to weight gain for many people. Luckily, there are several simple ways that we can all adjust our habits and lose the Quarantine 15. Focus on Water Sheltering at home—or…

  • digital scale

    How to Buy the Best Bathroom Scale for Weight Loss

    If you’re starting on a weight loss journey, you will need a way to track your progress. This usually comes in the form of a bathroom scale. Most people just think of a scale as a scale. You stand on it, and it tells you how much you currently weigh. But those who use them regularly to track their weight will know how important it is to pick the right one. Search online for bathroom scales, and you will see so many different options available. It can be overwhelming, so how do you decide? You don’t need to get bogged down in all the technical functions, but you should be…