Luvish iPhone 6 Cover Giveaway! 5 Winners!!
Check it OUT!! A iPhone cover that doesn’t add bulk to your sleek and slim iPhone 6!! This is the iPhone 6 Case from Luvish!! Not just a slim cover but it’s also crystal clear!! Your iPhone 6 looks great already why cover it up with a cover?! The Luvish has raised edges that protect your screen. The cover is made of an anti-slip material that not only silky smooth but it’s also easy to grip. My phone is protected from impact and because the bumper of the cover is slightly raised my phone is recessed to protect my screen when my phone is placed facing down. The Poly-carbonate back cover ensures…
The Middle Kingdom Ride Book & DVD Review
When I was offered The Middle Kingdom Ride Book and DVD set to review I had to think about it for about a second! It’s not the kind of book I would normally read or review. But, I am so glad I accepted, this book and DVD is so fascinating! Written by two brothers that rode their BMW motorcycles through China, an 18,000-km loop around China. The book and DVD; is a memoir of this 65 day trip. Actually, calling it a trip doesn’t do this book justice; it’s an adventure! An adventure that helped them set a Guinness World Record! Freelance photographer Ryan Pyle; Colin Pyle a currency trader in…
Diamond Candle or $25 PayPal Single Blog Giveaway!
Hello, my darling little Peanuts!!! Once again, I truly feel blessed that you stopped by!! Thank you! THANK YOU! Thank YOU!! Again, I wish I could give every one of you a Diamond Candle of your own. Ahhh but those elusive lottery numbers STILL refuse to come to me. I will continue to give away one a month; until you are bored with this giveaway. Your choice a Diamond Candle or $25 PayPal! The PayPal part of this Diamond Candle Giveaway is open World Wide. The candle will have to be a USA winner. January’s Winner is: Jennifer R. be sure to check your email!! You have 48 hours to claim your…
Clean Hands and Tots!!
Time to talk about clean hands and toddlers!! I’ve got a sure fire way to get kids to wash their hands!! Add the iHomeSet Touchless Soap Dispenser to your bathroom. Seriously, adding a TOUCHLESS soap dispenser and the kids treat washing their hands like a game! A game where I AM the winner!! Clean hands! Less germs!! Do you know how long you and your children should be washing their hands? According to the CDC Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold), turn off the tap, and apply soap. Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Be sure to lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under…
gLovies!! You Have To See THESE!!!!! GIVEAWAY!!
I am so excited about today’s review!! A brilliant product invented by a Mom!! A brilliant Mom at that!! Check out gLovies® these are a disposable, sanitary hand covers. So many uses!! Originally invented to help parents protect their children from nasty germs in public restrooms. Josephine Geraci says the idea for gLovies was fueled by her own desperation in trying to keep her first-born, Christopher, germ-free on their first official visit to a public restroom. She and her two-year-old-potty-training son were enjoying an afternoon out with other moms and their children when nature called, and Geraci says she had no choice but to head for the nearest bathroom. Josephine…
Outcast Jewelry Giveaway!!
I am thrilled that Ashley from Outcast Jewelry is letting me host another giveaway this one for Valentines Day!! Hand stamped metal jewelry is one of my all time favorites. Outcast Jewelry has so many fun and unique items! Ashley the craftswoman behind Outcast Jewelry is so talented. She can add any word, date, place, name, custom latitude/ longitude coordinates, just about anything you would like on on a key chain, necklace, bracelet, or even magnet. PRIZES 1. “I love you to the moon and back” keychain. 2. A wrap bracelet (with winners choice of word, date, name, latitude/ longitude coordinates whatever you would like) 3. A steel and copper circle…
Natural sleep Aid Review AND Giveaway
If you’ve been around Peanut Butter and Whine awhile you know that I whine about my sleep patterns. I whine A LOT!! I know that some is age. Some is my weight. Some is stress. What ever the reason; I lay down and my eyes pop open and I’m awake. I toss and turn and eventually just give up and get out of bed. Then I come whine on here! Lucky YOU!! I was thrilled to be offered a chance to review an All Natural Sleep Aid from Govivo. I waited for a weekend night to try my Govivo Sleep Aid, just in case I was groggy the next day. I…
$50 Amazon Giveaway!!
I am thrilled to be participating in this giveaway with a lovely group of bloggers!!! WOO HOO!! Check out this $50 Amazon Giveaway!! GIVEAWAY One lucky follower will win a $50 Amazon Gift Card!! a Rafflecopter giveaway If you a blogger and want to participate in giveaways like these to grow your blog? Click here to find out how you can join a totally awesome group of bloggers!”