• Trail Cam Friday November 27th

    I know I haven’t posted many Trail Cam Friday’s lately, but things in our yard had been pretty boring. This past week though we’ve had a couple of beautiful bucks!  You know I’m hoping for those shed’s (antlers) to drop by the house for me, come spring!! Aren’t they so handsome?? Want to check out additional trail cam pictures? You can search trail cam (It’s on the left under “Whatcha Lookin’ For?”  Or start here for some more of my wildlife photos.  

  • My trail cam pictures

    Trail Cam Friday 7/17 SHE’s BAAAAACKKKK!!!!

    Trail cam shows that mMy friend the bear is back!!  (Yes, I know…. the bears are not my friends….. I know I would be a tasty treat.  I know that is how I will die…….. but it looked so sweet and fluffy will be my last words.) I have absolutely no idea what the bright spot is, maybe it’s a SIGN that says “Pet me here!” in really tiny letters.  MAYBE it’s a PET collar!!! The only other interesting pictures are the squirrel, rabbit and chipmunk all together. A few deer for good measure. This picture intrigues me. Is it a bat??  If it is why isn’t it using it’s…

  • trail cam

    Trail Cam Friday April 24

    Better late than not at all right?? RIGHT!! Trail Cam Friday is here. This time I took some snap shots of my walk to the trail cams so I could show you where I have them stashed. I did that mostly in case I had no interesting pictures. Hedgin’ my bets. It’s a pretty walk. I also snapped a picture so you can see just how well the trail cam blends into the tree. No wonder I loose them so many times. From the trail cam at the end of the driveway. We got a couple of good shots. Nothing really spectacular. Mostly, The Husband walking Bear. Then of course…