• Sold!!

    It looks like our ANGEL of a realtor Sherrie Goldby has found a buyer for my Mom’s mobile. Now as long as his financing goes thru we are set!! That will be such a relief to have that sold. Course…. now the real work begins ………. you know…. convincing my kids to come help pack and move GG. I can hear the whining now… oh wait that’s me. Never mind. So far my vacation has been a lot of packing and cleaning….. no exercise… lots of whining….. and a sick DH. I think I need a vacation from my vacation!!! But for now I’m taking my tired body to bed.…

  • Vacation Day 2

    How is it possible to clean for sooooo long and make the house look WORSE than when I started?!?! AUGHHH!!! To top it off DH is still sick so I’m trying hard not to make noise that wakes him up. I’m NOT a QUIET PERSON!!! Ohhhhhh maybe that’s why the house looks worse? I’m starting projects everywhere and finding them too noisy and I go on the next project. All this movin’ has to be burning calories!? Right? Even if the moving around is followed by 30 minutes of sitting down with the laptop. I know I’d probably burn more if I finished ohhh say ONE room?! On a positive…