• Liquid gold caffeine energy

    Liquid Caffeine; Liquid ENERGY!! #LiqiudCaffeine

    Right here. Right now I want to say someone needs to deliver me a pallet no wait an entire truck load of this liquid gold, Liquid Caffeine; pure liquid, fast acting ENERGY!! I will not share this bottle with anyone. It is mine. It is ALL mine. ONLY mine. Mine, mine, mine! I don’t even offer it to others in my house so they can test this. Nope. MINE! From my very first dose I can honestly say I was HOOKED! HOOKED people. MINE!! Can ya tell I really like this product?? On days where I’m in a hurry to get out the door and I forget to take my…

  • Parrots

    3 Tips to Finding a Good Bird Vet

    Dog and cat owners rarely have a problem finding the ideal veterinarian whom they can entrust with the welfare of their pet. However, bird owners don’t have it so easy. A bird’s anatomy is extremely different than other typical pet anatomies. As such, they require the specialized care of a qualified vet with expertise handling birds. Finding that bird vet can be a challenge for people living in Perth. But have no fear. These vets do exist.  You just have to know how and where to look.  Here are 3 tips to finding a qualified bird vet to take care of your beloved pet. Know what questions to ask. You’ll…

  • Woman holding ipad

    Helping Moms Track the Family Finances

    It is easy, what with all of the other details moms have to manage, to be tempted to allow your spouse to have total control over managing the family’s finances. After all, you love and trust your partner. You know that your partner is good with money and, frankly, you love the idea of having one less thing to have to worry about. It is important to understand, though, that managing your family’s money is different than managing a carpool schedule. While you might relish the idea of not having to worry or even think about the bank account–provided that you’re able to make the purchases you need to make…