May 9th, Photo-A-Day I
Today’s Photo-A-Day I As in INSECTS! Remember last year how I complained about all the wasps and hornets on the decks? I filled trap after trap and yet they still kept coming!! We never did get to sit outside and enjoy the sunsets on the deck. Flash forward to Home Depot as I am picking up yet a different kind of wasp trap because …. well, DAMN they just kept coming! When I struck up a conversation with a long time resident of Sandpoint. He laughingly said “You aren’t some city girl that puts the traps where you want to sit are you??” In my head I screamed: Palllllllllllllllllease!! Do I…
May 8th Photo-A-Day H
So G ended out to be a glorious nightmare. One minute I writing the next minute POOF. Page gone. (Mid mocking that I couldn’t find a G to write about). Who knew G was such a touchy letter. Photo-A-Day H I hope is better. Two phone calls with GoDaddy. Which takes hours. On hold forever. Those poor people I can only imagine the abuse they get daily because when you sit on hold for 65 minutes ya tend to get crabby (speaking for myself that is). I have to take a deep breath…….. it’s not the techs fault…. it’s not the techs fault…… I hate GoDaddy’s music……….it’s not the…
May 7th Photo-A-Day G
Photo-A-Day G gave me FITS!! Shessshhhhh I have spent most of the day phone in hand trying to find a unique G Seriously, who knew G would be such a stumper for me? I have no gargoyle to snap a photo of. I have no grass. I already did green. Gross except well, that just sounded gross. G for grape. Nope, don’t have any. Bear and I went on our morning hike and found NOTHING that started with a G. GOOD GRIEF Charlie Brown! Then I went to save this post and walk around some more……….. and jokes on me. The blog is GONE!! So I give you G for…
May 6th Photo-A-Day F
Photo-A-Day F is for fun. F for forest. F is for a very bad cuss word. F could be so many things but I chose F for FUNGUS. Okay, don’t get all excited. I’m not going to show you a toenail or some gross skin condition. I am not that mean. Well, I am but, not today I’m not. You are welcome. Bear and I went on our daily nature walk. I am bound and determined to find discarded antlers. We have so many bucks all year and I just KNOW someone dropped at least ONE antler on the property. Right?!?! Yes, I know…. shiny….sidetracked…… back to my F during…
May 5th Photo-a-Day E
Photo-a-Day E (yes, I AM FUNNY!!!) E is for EMPTY HA!! I am a funny FUNNY girl!!! Almost as funny as H
May 4th, Photo-A-Day D
Photo-A-Day D I bet you thought I would post a picture of Bear the DOG but H-E-L-L-O!! We all know she is a fur baby and not JUST a dog!!! D for dark; as in when it gets dark here it gets DARK!! Then I could just post a big square black picture and you would never know the difference. So, I chose D for dishwasher. Not not just any ole’ dishwasher. Ohhhh no! Not me!! A 1962 dishwasher. On the phone with Alice working on a school assignment she had to interview Mom and Grandma and ask questions about when they were in the second grade. I told you…
May 1st, Photo-A-Day A
This month I am going to use the alphabet for my Photo-A-Day prompts. Today I give you Photo-A-Day A Hello A!! Now I know y’all are expecting a complete series of pictures of Alice. Well, noooooooo instead I give you A for ASHES I swear the previous owners tries to burn this house down. There are so many clumps of ashes and burn areas in the middle of trees, close to house, circling all around the house. So finding Ash was very easy. Pallllease y’all know I didn’t really make A all about ashes. I should only be for Alice!! This A is really special too!! Alice just got an…
April 30th Photo-A-Day REGAL
Let’s end the month of April with a picture of the most popular member of the family. No, not me (Yes, I DO think I am funny). Photo-A-Day REGAL Bear! (not to be confused with our visiting BEAR) She seems to have captured everyone’s heart. Right Miss Barbara?? This puppy is such a sweet, smart fur baby. Bear is a 9 months old Bernese Mountain Dog. Okay, technically she isn’t 9 months until tomorrow May 1st. She weighs a TON! I imagine she is close to 90 pounds. She is solid! When Bear decides to sit on your lap I can barely breathe! Yes, she still believes she is a…