• I hate YARD WORK!!!

    With the babyshower for BabyT coming next Saturday I’ve been crankin’ up the yard work getting ready…….. right now the only way to describe how I feel is Toby Keith’s song “I ain’t as Good as I once was!” Cause even my eyelashes hurt!! Enjoy the song and video….. while I enjoy a soak in the tub!

  • Baby Blocks

      My new project for the baby shower decorations is Baby Blocks.  DH cut blocks for me after which I spray painted them a pretty soft green….. you know…. the colors of the baby’s room… UMMMM HUMMMM Until the colors were changed last week to Brown and Pink. I’m thinking I will lightly stain the corners of the blocks in pinks and browns (we’ll see what kind of a mess I can make with those!!) So these aren’t done…. just in progress. I saw the cutest idea with paper dolls and blocks so the blocks have letters, dogs, paw prints, hearts and paperdolls! So here is what I have finished so far. …

  • Want a cookie???

    I have such a funny story from my son Zachary it’s still crackin’ me up. I laughed till I was crying I only hope I can write it as funny as Zac was telling it. Zac’s neighbor Keith is 100% a crack up.  Zac and Keith have been friends since Zac moved to this house last year.  I don’t think Keith owns a clock or a watch though. Zac gets off work, settles in on the couch and starts watching TV,  falls asleep.  His phone wakes him up…. Zac figures he’s only been asleep a few minutes, he answers the phone, it’s Keith K “Hey, you got a half a cup of flour I can…