• Lovable Labels Review & Give Away 12/15!!

    Lovable Labels are adorable, we’re gonna just get that out of the way up front! Super cute designs.  Personalized however you want. Ordering is a dream! Add the name you want, click the design, click okay and you’re done! Lovable Labels does the rest. Centering the name so it fits to perfection. This is a worry-free ordering process. Super-fast shipping.  Seriously, how could you ask for more?  But, there IS more!! Your labels arrive in a large envelope, inside the package is a shiny bright red, heavy duty mylar envelope. This envelope is pretty enough to stick a bow on it and call it wrapped!!  I promise!! The next bonus…

  • Eukanuba Dog Food Review

    Gracie is so excited about her box of goodies from Eukanuba!  The tennis ball with a handle!!  Oh man is she in love with this ball.  She will fight you for it.  Gracie loves a game of chase. The Eukanuba dog food tastes great! How do I know? In our house we give our regular dog food to Gracie as her treats.  We just have a special jar for treats. Gracie will do all sorts of tricks for her Eukanuba. So tastes GREAT….. check Keep your pooch smilingDid you know your dog may have dental health issues you can’t see? In fact, 85% of dogs have serious tartar build up…

  • $100 off $136 Easy Photo Class only on Cyber Monday!!

    Hot diggity!!! Jerry is extending the $100 off the $136 Easy Photo Class for Cyber Monday for Peanut Butter and Whine followers!!  Wooo hoooo!!! Easy Photo Class!! $100 OFF!!! 24 Hours ONLY!! $36!!  I took this picture after using Easy Photo Class!!  I adore this picture!!  What looks like fog is actually rushing water!! Jerry taught me this!!!!!!  24 HOUR Cyber Monday SALE DIGITAL CAMERA SETTINGS MADE EASY Normally $136. – Only $36 with $100. off coupon code 1. Go go www.easyphotoclass.com 2. Click Buy Now button 3. Enter Coupon Code: PBW100 Access Code Download: After buying the workshop you will be sent an e-mail with an access code to enter in the coupon box which will…