• Social Media Manager social media on a Phone screen

    Making The Most Of Social Media Ads

    While posting on social media can be a great way to promote your business, without organic reach, there’s only so far they can go. Paid ads take your social media posts to the next level and can help you reach a wide audience, even if your following is low. From being able to target specific demographics to setting an exact budget, there is a lot that can be done with your social media ads to make an impact for your business. Here are some of the ways you can make the most of social media ads for your business. Get creative with your media Social media ads are great for…

  • Photo-A-Day

    April 22nd Photo-A-Day STUCK

    So, my very own Photo-A-Day challenge is going really well (if I don’t mind saying so myself AND I DON’T!) This is day number 53. That’s impressive at least to me it is!! Today my prompt is STUCK. Not that my car is stuck. The roads are drying out so I’m not STUCK at home, except the fact that I don’t really have anywhere to go…. Nope, today’s STUCK is courtesy of my daughter Selena and my sweet 7 year-old Granddaughter Alice. You may have to look at the picture for a second but, then it will make your day!! I sure did mine!! Selena said Alice couldn’t understand what…