• Photo-A-Day V Voilets

    May 22nd Photo-A-Day V

    This letter was a hard one. I don’t have a volcano to snap a picture of. No vampire here. Haven’t seen a vulture either. The VIOLENT wind we are having today would be super hard to snap a picture of so, I decided that I would just snap a picture of a vine outside the front door.  But when I looked down I found a clump of wild violets.  That’s a way better picture than vine that hasn’t flowered yet. So I give you Violets. In case you want to check out a creepy treehouse be sure to read Photo A Day T

  • Woodpecker damage

    May 21st Photo-A-Day U

    For the Photo-A-Day U, I am going to go with UNIQUE. As most of you know Miss Bear and I hike every morning. Bear is addicted to eating turkey poo (she’s fast too! Before you can call her out on that nasty habit it’s GONE!!) Of course the Mama hunts for shed (antlers) Up to FOUR now!!  This last one being the nicest and largest. Noooo that’s not my Unique, although it’s really cool looking and each and everyone of them is different. I have yet to find a match set. (YET!) No, my unique actually had my city girl paranoia going wacky-a-do! On our hike I spotted a cedar…

  • Brand Identity happy woman

    3 Tips for Freeing up More Energy to Invest in Developing Your Brand Identity

    It’s time to develop your brand identity. Digital entrepreneurs are taking the world by storm, and ever greater numbers of people are taking advantage of the amazing opportunities provided by the Internet, are moving away from their conventional and unsatisfying day jobs and are becoming remote-working entrepreneurs. Developing Your Brand Identity Setting out on this kind of career path can be absolutely exhilarating, in a variety of different ways. For one thing, it allows you to start forging your own career destiny in a way that might not have been possible before. For another thing, due to the fact that you are web-based, you have a degree of flexibility in…