• tripod

    The Goma Squid Flexible Tripod Review

    Ahhh one of my favorite types of posts! The ones where I get to take even more pictures!! Yeah, yeah, yeah… I made a funny. I don’t need an excuse to take a ton of pictures. Wait till you see this little gadget!! This is a totally flexible tripod that grips anywhere I need it too!! On a fence? On a pool chair? On a rock!? Anywhere I want. My favorite part is that this is so small I keep it in my purse. It’s only 7″ yup, seven inches!! I can use my camera, my phone or my daughters GoPro! Alice and I tried to find somewhere we COULDN’T…

  • woman at dentist

    6 Tidy Teeth Tips to Apply to Your Daily Oral Health

    Cleaning your teeth may seem like an easy task to complete, considering it’s most likely a daily habit, but if you have gum pain and cavities, it may be time for a teeth care refresher. Are you taking care of your teeth? And are you doing everything you can to ensure you have a healthy mouth? Believe it or not, but many things you are eating, drinking, or doing to your mouth may be causing problems. You may also be forgetting to floss regularly or swish with mouthwash like Listerine – oops! Follow these ten tips below to get your teeth tidy and clean again! Brush after drinking teeth staining…

  • Brand Identity happy woman

    Making a Lifetime Commitment to Your Wellbeing

    In today’s generation many do what feels good for them now, as opposed to delaying instant gratification. It’s all about buying that new car before you can afford it, taking a vacation instead of saving, and not planning for your future. It doesn’t help that society adds to this mentality by blasting advertisements on the radio and television on how the latest weight loss clinic will help you achieve your goals – but only if you sign up now! It’s challenging to wait for things and achieve it the old fashioned way instead of getting everything you want now. It’s the same thing with your physical and emotional wellbeing. Due…