Happy Thanksgiving!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Be safe.
5 Things to Do Regularly to Keep Your Kitchen Clean!!
If you like a clean and tidy place that you can live in comfortably and stress free, you may spend more time than you prefer cleaning every room to your standards. Since the kitchen is not only the area where we spend most of our time (by choice or not!), this can require more time and effort to keep it spotless. Because the family is always preparing meals, snacks and destroying the place often as they move along in the feeding process, the cleanup can be ongoing and is much more difficult for you and everyone involved if left to do all at once. Clean as You Go A sink…
Target Instagram Giveaway! Win $150 Gift Card!
GIVEAWAY DETAILS Prize: $150 Target Gift Card Giveaway organized by: Oh My Gosh Beck! Rules: Use the Rafflecopter form to enter daily. Giveaway ends 12/13 and is open worldwide. Winner will be notified via email. Are you a blogger who wants to participate in giveaways like these to grow your blog? Click here to find out how you can join a totally awesome group of bloggers! Who couldn’t easily spend $150 at Target!! I think I could with my eyes closed. Good LUCK!!!! a Rafflecopter giveaway
3 Natural Ways To Get Rid of Flies From Your Home
Flies are a nuisance we have learned to live with in nature, but when they invade the privacy of your house, you want to set some boundaries. Aside from their annoying buzzing sound while they fly around your head, flies carry dirt and diseases all over your house. They feed on wastes and lay their eggs in rotten food or garbage. Before you know it, having a couple of flies turns into an infestation. With colder days coming, flies find ways to enter your house where they hope to settle down for winter. Well, don’t let them! The exact impact flies can have on humans is unknown, so don’t take…
Boldify Root Boosting Spray!!
Remember last month I told you I was seriously contemplating just going gray? I was going to channel my inner Carol (from The Walking Dead). Well, I did it. Then I chalked it up to yet another one of those things that I did not completely think all the way through. Things I ask myself now AFTER I cut my hair: # 1. Really? BEFORE the holidays?! Before Christmas photos?? REALLY!?!? # 2. You have thin hair. You have thin, stick straight hair. WHY would you cut it this short?? # 3. Really? BEFORE the holidays?! Before Christmas photos?? REALLY!?!? # 4. You have no curl to your hair, it’s never…
Holiday Yard Light Show!
I’ve always wanted lights up on the house around Christmas; however; (this is a biggie!) I HATE HEIGHTS!!! I hate ladders. So my worst fears are number 1 going up and down the ladder several times to get the lights UP on the house. Basically, it’s not going to happen! Then the whole bring them back DOWN or just leave ’em up and be THAT house on the block. So when I found the Lawn Lamp I knew I had the best of both worlds!! six year old Alice went NUTS when this arrived. This is how lazy we are after arguing over homework (trust me the girl can hold…
HELLO Sunday!! Meet The Newest Peanut! Jamie Burkhalter!
So, last Sunday I made an executive decision to use this day to share photos that The Husband sends from Sandpoint, Idaho. Which IN MY head sounded like the greatest post collection E-V-E-R! Now, my regular little Peanuts know that I did not just get dubbed Rattle-brained Connie Sue from my Grandma, I EARNED that title. Yeah……….. The Husband is as I type in his truck headed back to Vista, CA. Ummmm but, honey! Pictures!? What now?! Well, I decided to have a guest poster on Sundays. Someone new to the Assulym of Peanut Butter And Whine. So Everyone… this is Jamie…. Jamie this is well, everyone!! From picking up Alice…
PicturesOnGold Locket GIVEAWAY!!!
If you are looking for the and I do mean THE perfect gift for someone for Christmas I have found it!! Seriously, I know that Mom’s (especially NEW Mom’s, Grandma’s and Great-Grandma’s are incredibly hard to buy for; what am I saying? It’s just plain hard to find the perfect gift for any loved one. That’s what makes PicturesOnGold so perfect! Dad? Husband? Grandpa? Wives? Seriously, Pictures on Gold is so much more than just lockets!! I really believe I have found the perfect answer for that sentimental, loving gift!! I am LOVING this site!! First, for the amazing selection and second for exactly how easy it is to design a locket…